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Live Wire Racing Pigeon by E.H. Windred naive animal painting

Live Wire Racing Pigeon

Painting ID:P10Rennes Express by E.H. Windred naive animal paintings

Rennes Express

Painting ID:417Racing Pigeon By E. H. Windred

Racing Pigeon

Painting ID:418Mr Bennett's Beauty by E.H. Windred naive animal paintings

Mr Bennett’s Beauty

Painting ID:292MR C Bennett's Tic Eye by E.H. Windred naive animal paintings

Mr C. Bennett’s Tic Eye

Painting ID:290Tiny by E.H. Windred naive animal paintings


Painting ID:358Mad Jack by E.H. Windred naive animal paintings

Mad Jack

Painting ID:359

Edward Henry Windred (1875 – 1953)

Edward Henry Windred (EHW) had been a miner and only in later life came to live in the New Cross area

Throughout his life EHW’s occupation seems to have varied from being “bricklayer” and “hairdresser”. It is not clear how he could have alternated between two such different trades, and at the same time develop his painting skills, but somehow he managed it.